random stuff!

Favourite Movies

When I was growing up I loved: The Goonies and Annie. I still love to watch some 80s films now. E.T. is just brilliant! I used to work in a place called BLOCKBUSTER. You might not have heard of it before if you aren't OLD like me. It's a shop where you would rent VHS and DVDs. You could buy popcorn in bags and bottles of fizzy drinks too. I loved working there, meeting people and recommending films. Now, I am learning to write films and also tv shows. I would like for some of my books to become TV shows or films.  The more the book does well, the more likely it is someone will decide to make a movie or TV show, so please do keep buying and borrowing books!


Favourite Food

I love eating DIM SUM (Chinese steams and fried food that you share, a bit like Chinese tapas). I also like pie and chips. Sometimes I am very healthy and like to make myself green smoothies! Here you can see some crocheted dim sum that I take on my author talks sometimes. Oh and Data (Funkopop) from The Goonies! I'm sure he would like dim sum too!  I often write about food in my stories and books. In my story in The Very Merry Murder Club, I even names one of the 'baddies' after my favourite chocolate bar. You will have to borrow it from the library to find out which chocolate bar that is! And Danny Chung goes for dim sum with his family. 


This is MIKO, she's a Frenchie (and maybe a little bit Staffie). She doesn't like to pose with me and my books. She does like chicken though, and fetching wooden sticks (she doesn't like plastic ones as much). I was told she wasn't very clever. But she's pretty smart and we call her "Miko PhD". I caught her mid-head shake for this photo, it makes me laugh!


We used to have a hamster called Nora, we loved her so much. She passed away six-months before we got Miko. Nora escaped once and was missing for three days. But she made her way home and she never tried to escape after that.